Korean Nurungji Crispy Rice is a very traditional recipe, Chef Esther Choi turns this recipe on its head and delivers a delicious savory and comforting meal that elevates grandma's Sunday night dinner to a new level.

Chef Esther Choi

Nurungji Crispy Rice Chicken

  • 1 Whole Spatchcock Chicken
  • Salt
  • Steamed Sticky Rice 75% Cooked
  • Pine Nuts
  • Korean Dried Dates
  • Dried Apricots
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Rosemary
  • Parsley
  • Toasted Sesame Oil
  • Butter
  • Mushrooms

1. Preheat Oven to 400 Degrees.
2. Take a whole chicken and cut out the backbone to spatchcock the bird.
3. Lay flat and preseason with salt
4. Mix together Sticky Rice, Pine Nuts, Korean Dried Dates, Dried Apricots, Garlic, Ginger, Salt, Rosemary and Parsley in a mixing bowl season liberally with Sesame Oil.
5. Butter up a cast iron pan and press down sticky rice mixture down. 
6. Top with spatchcock chicken.
7. Butter up the chicken on the skin and top side.
8. Roast for 20 mins and then take out and top with mushrooms, season with more sesame oil and salt.
9. Roast for another 20 mins (Additional time may be needed depending on size of chicken) and let it rest for 15 mins. 
10. Serve.

Featuring the Messermeister Chef Esther Choi Precision Shears

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