Sometimes you’re in a pickle and you just want some pickles! This awesome recipe will work with most veggies so we encourage you to try and explore your culinary palette! Chef Christian Gill uses The Carbon Knife Collection from Messermeister to rock this recipe out.

Chef Christian Gill

Quick Pickled Veggies

  • Cucumber
  • Ginger
  • Carrots
  • Fish Sauce
  • Lime Leaf
  • Sugar
  • White Vinegar
  • Water
  • Lemon Grass
  • MSG

1) Slice your Cucumber into slices
2) Julianne Your Carrots (Optional: You can add radishes also)
3) Put your veggies into a a container with a lid.
4) Peel your ginger and cut into slices.
5) In a pot, bring to a boil Vinegar, Water, Sugar, MSG, Lemon Grass, Ginger, Lime Leaf and Fish Sauce.
6) Once it comes to a boil, pour over your veggies making sure they are submerged.
7) Cover and refrigerate for 2-3 hours minimum. The longer it sits the better it is.

Featuring the Messermeister Carbon Collection

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